In the summer of the year 2025, the Earth experienced a series of upheavals that caused the catastrophic death of nearly 60 million people
Worldwide natural events, such as volcanoes, tidal waves, extreme storms on land and at sea, plus the inescapable panic, wreaked havoc.
By December of 2026 it became apparent to many of Earth’s remaining scientists that the events had not been random. Had it been an attack?
Silently and without their militaries, trusted scientists gathered together to plan against what they felt certain was an alien incursion.
By early summer 2027 the scientists concluded that it had been an attack; that there were aliens in the vicinity of Earth. They had no idea.
In the meantime, a steady, nearly universal drop in the human birth rate had further debased
not only the gene pool, but the world economy.
By the last days of 2030, the world’s population was less than a third of 2025. Remaining humans had gathered into 2 roughly similar groups
In five years the Cray had orchestrated a relatively simple terra forming plan of a populated world. All the assets remained, including us.
It was then the Cray came to Earth to “rescue” us. We welcomed them as liberators and friends!
They were pretty, and they smelled good.Standing on bridge of the Cray ship as it drifted lazily over the barren land once called the “USA” was an especially tall young officer
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